Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

We got in yesterday, and went for steak dinner at Charleston's...very good.  Today we toured the area, and went to the Memorial Museum of the April 19, 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building.  The museum was so sad..so senseless...168 died including 19 children.

On the road, we saw a sign that said this was the biggest cross in North America

Neither of us had ever been to Oklahoma...exciting to get here

We had lunch at Cattleman's Restaurant..a landmark in the Stockyard section of the city

yes, we did another steak for lunch..

and the Capitol that had oil drilling on the front lawn

We toured the museum..3rd floor depicts the normal day that started before 9:02am, and then took you  hour by hour of the rest of the day in very graphic displays..so sad, and then thru time on the 2nd floor

        The Survivor elm tree in the parking lot next to the Federal building that is a symbol of resilience

                                     The park guard said it was the most cared for tree in the USA!

                     The reflecting pool..this is the location of the street that was in front of the building

There is a chair for each of the victims in 9 rows representing each floor of the building where they died. The smaller chairs are for the 19 children that were in the day care center on the 2nd floor..the building was located on this ground

They left some of the chain link fence that was first put up around the building and people still leave messages

and Jesus wept

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