Sunday, May 3, 2009

in Hot Springs, Arkansas

We have been touring this area, and on Friday took the "Duck" tour...the vehicle that goes on land and water. Unfortunately, the driver was not a good tour guide, but oh, well, we saw some things we wouldn't have on our own. The next stop was the tour of the Fordyce Bathhouse, established as a National Park to protect the 47 hot springs and 8 bathhouses. A wonderful tour guide explained how the early 1900 people came to seek health cures from the hot springs water. We then went to the Buckstaff Bathhouse...the only one that has stayed open since 1912. The experience was just as the tour guide said and it went like this: men and women separated and undress (the women wrap in sheets as they went from station to station..Steve says no sheets for the men), soaking for 15 minutes in whirlpool tub of the thermal mineral water after an attendant washing you , then to a sitz bath, then a steam bath, then on a table with hot pads, then a needle shower, then to a cool down room...and at each station given the hot mineral water to drink. Amazing!
On Sunday we went to Little Rock to tour the Clinton Library

Bill Clinton's home in Hot Springs

Where we stayed

There are jug fountains so you can fill up on the hot springs water

The tub, steam metal box, and sitz bath

Bathhouse row

Inside the Clinton Library

a replica of the oval office

The library from the outside

The State Capitol..modeled after the U.S. Capitol in D.C.

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